Limited internet access so this will be short. Our first day went great. Over 220 participated and maybe 1/3 were youth. Training like this has never happened here before - ever!
After raining for several days, we started with clear skies, then the monsoon clouds approached but left us dry. Please pray it stays that way this week. People walked as far away as 50 miles up and down the Himalayas to attend. Obviously, mud would cause additional challenges. Many walk up to 3 hours here and back for each day of the conference.
Today's sessions:
1. Tim started with teaching on unity then led a powerful group prayer.
2. I shared what the Bible is, why we study, and a simple practical Bible Study method (BSM) using the tale of the 6 blind men & an elephant.
3. Tim defined discipleship using the 4 legs of a stool.
4. I facilitated their practice of the BSM with 1 Pet 4:12-19 and told the tale of two kinds of people. One either suffers for the world or suffers for Christ. Todd challenged the youth and told of his personal experience with this & his journey to live for Christ.
Today, we get deeper in truth and more challenging in our messages.
Todd is battling a cold and all five of us on the team are hearing from our wives of their own challenges back home. We appreciate your prayers for them!
I leave in a few hour for the airport to head to Uganda, but I wanted to get a quick update on how you guys are doing. I am praying for you as you venture forth with the Gospel! Praying also for your families! Keep your eyes fixed on the Master and trust that the Holy Spirit will lead you moment by moment. God will continue to use you to engage the spiritually unaware and to bring Glory to the Father. I look forward to read more from the other side of the world. :)
Blessings to yawl!
Posted by: John | October 18, 2010 at 06:23 AM